Wesleyan College Equestrian Center
Box fans weren’t sufficient to cool the horses and keep them comfortable.
They installed 4 MacroAir AVD 550 fans.
Airflow was evenly moved throughout the stalls resulting in fewer flies and more comfortable horses.
The Wesleyan College Equestrian Center is nestled in a peaceful plot in Macon, Georgia. Their accomplished Hunt Seat and Western teams have gained national competition status. Many horses call the center’s 24-stall barn “home.” But it’s really hot in Georgia, and triple-digit days with humidity on top are not rare, so keeping the horses comfortable is a struggle.
Originally the center was using old box fans to cool the horses – one fan strapped to each stall. But the box fans just weren’t enough, and there were extension cords everywhere. It really was a burned-down barn waiting to happen, especially if someone forgot to unplug the box fans overnight. The box fans also kicked up dirt, irritating the horses.
Because of these shortcomings, the center decided to replace its box fans with large ceiling-mounted fans. Since installing four AirVolution-D 550 fans, the Wesleyan College Equestrian Center has enjoyed:
- Airflow throughout the stalls
- Fewer flies landing and biting the horses
- Safety with a permanent installation
Large diameter ceiling fans are an ideal way to deliver comfort to horses and their caretakers. The Wesleyan College Equestrian Center is the home of a bunch of happy horses!