Problem The facility was hot and sticky in the summer.
J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant
J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant had no air circulation in their patio area. It was dead hot for guests while they sat to eat and listen to live music. Customers complained about the heat, so they needed a fan large enough to move the air on the patio with not a lot of noise to disrupt the shows.
They installed a MacroAir AVD3 fan in the patio space.
Guests are staying cool and comfortable with no noisy distraction! They have seen retention in customers and have had many people asking about their cool fan.
J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant is located in Redlands, CA. This valley location is nestled up against the San Bernardino National Forrest. Temperatures are hot in the desert valley, reaching up to 100°. In order to keep customers cool and comfortable, one must provide air conditioning and air movement. J. Riley has a big patio area where large crowds of people come to eat, enjoy drinks, and experience live music. But, sadly, customers were not singing their praises when it came to the comfort of the patio space. They needed to make a BIG change with a BIG patio fan.
Jason Riley, the owner of J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant, needed to find an easy and affordable solution to help keep his guest comfortable, while still keeping the noise level down in order to not disrupt the live music. Luckily, MacroAir is right down the road! Jason was able to sit down with a MacroAir sales representative and find the best possible fan for his patio space. He described his experience as easy! The people were very helpful and the customer service great.
J. Riley’s installed an AVD3 fan in their patio space. Most importantly, they have since noticed retention in customers and much more comfortable guests!
“Everyone comes up and stares at the fan in awe at how much air it moves at such a low speed!” - Jason Riley, Owner of J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant
Guest are now able to listen to great music, enjoy great drinks, and eat amazing food - all while staying comfortable! There is no noisy distraction from the fan, and the guests are literally in awe of how much air it moves at such a low speed. Guests are now singing the praises of this amazing patio space! Needless to say, the guests are HUGE FANS!
“The AVD3 has solved every problem we had in the space - really easily!” - Jason Riley, owner of J. Riley Distillery & Restaurant