Problem The facility was hot and sticky in the summer.
EPA Fuel Emissions Laboratory
They needed a solution to prevent major temperature swings. The area was always about 4-10 degrees hotter in summer and 6-12 degrees colder during winter than adjacent work areas.
They installed a MacroAir AirVolution-D 370 fan in the work area.
Comfort levels in the work area for employees improved their morale and HVAC units don’t have to run as long to maintain a consistent temperature in the area.
About the Company
The EPA National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is part of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). Since its founding, NVFEL has been at the forefront of developing clean automotive technology and designing programs. Their goal is to reduce and prevent air pollution. NVFEL is a state-of-the-art test facility. They provide a wide array of dynamometer and analytical testing and engineering services for EPA’s motor vehicle, heavy-duty engine, and non-road engine programs.
According to the EPA, they “needed a solution to prevent major temperature swings that we had in one of the work spaces. The area was always about 4-10 degrees hotter in the summer and 6-12 degrees colder during winter than the adjacent work areas.”
“Since installing the AirVolution-D 370 fan, comfort levels in the work area for our employees has improved their morale. And now our HVAC units do not have to run as long to maintain a consistent temperature in the area. The workspace temperature is now stabilized within 2-3 degrees of the surrounding areas during the seasons.”