Problem Sweaty gymnasts - thanks to Tennessee’s hot, muggy, summers and an air conditioner that...
Crossfit Lifted
Guests were complaining about the heat inside the gym.
They installed MacroAir fans within the Crossfit gym.
They now experience greater member retention due to the fans. Plus, members are staying cooler while working out.
Crossfit Lifted is located in sunny Southern California. The CrossFit gym offers a variety of serious workouts for its members. But when the hot, uncomfortable air created the wrong type of uncomfortable, the gym needed a big air solution in a big way. That is when they enlisted the help of MacroAir fans.
MacroAir installed large HVLS ceiling fans in the gym to fix the hot, stale air problem. The addition of the fans has solved that problem!
"When you're standing down underneath it, it feels like wind is washing over you. Even if you are standing on the far side of our building, you can catch some good relief from the fan - even at its lower settings." -Joey Wuest, Owner, Crossfit Lifted
In fact, Joey Wuest, the owner of the gym, tells us,
"There is not another product I can think of that I have put into my gym that makes as big of a difference in how my gym feels."
That is definitely a winning solution!