How MacroAir HVLS Fans Solve the Problem of Heat Rising to the Ceiling
Creating a comfortable home or work environment can help family members and employees live happier and healthier. One of the largest determining factors of overall comfort level is temperature. While many environments use central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to regulate temperature, these systems can be horribly inefficient, still leaving you to suffer with stagnant air. Thankfully, MacroAir’s HVLS fans can help keep your space feeling comfortable year-round.
How HVLS Fans Can Work For You

Along with fully distributing the air, you can see that there is consistent airflow from floor to ceiling through the use of HVLS fans.
MacroAir’s innovative High-Volume, Low-Speed fans work on one simple principle: air moving gently across skin feels great. Our HVLS fans are designed differently than regular ceiling fans. A standard fan is designed with smaller blades that spin quickly in an effort to cool off an area. MacroAir’s HVLS fans take a different, smarter approach.
- By making use of longer, slower-turning, airfoil-shaped blades, our fans move much larger volumes of air more efficiently than a standard fan.
- The HVLS fan creates a large column of air that is roughly the total area of the fan. Since our smallest HVLS fans feature 6′ blades, those columns of air can get to be pretty large!
- This air column is then pushed down to the floor by the slow-rotating blades. When it contacts the floor, the air disperses evenly throughout the area. This creates a steady, yet gentle breeze that effectively cools anyone in the enclosed space.
HVLS Fans: Making Your HVAC Systems Better
Even in rooms that already have an existing HVAC system, MacroAir’s HVLS fans can make a difference in comfort level and overall cost. As a rule, HVAC systems tend to suffer from spotty circulation. Often the airflow can be stagnant due to common obstructions or poor vent placement. By incorporating an adequately-sized HVLS fan into your environment, you can lower your cooling costs due to the energy-saving airflow created by our fans. In fact, studies have shown that HVLS ceiling fans used for cooling can allow users to raise the thermostats on their HVAC unit by up to 4º Fahrenheit with no reduction in comfort level.
HVLS Fans and Heat Distribution
HVLS fans are great for use with a heating system, as well. In most industrial and living spaces, heat sources are located above the floor to avoid interfering with daily operations. Since heat tends to stay up high, temperatures on ceilings can be up to 35º higher than on the floor. An HVLS fan can help to pull that warm air downward through the blades, creating a column of warm air that disperses outward when it makes contact with the floor. Even more effective, however, is running your HVLS fan in reverse mode. Reverse modes push the warm air upward and outward, forcing it to distribute down the building walls and evenly across the floor. Either way, the HVLS fan will distribute the collected warm air layer.
Contact MacroAir today and learn why architects and industrial design specialists around the world use our products to make agricultural, personal, and professional environments more comfortable and more efficient, no matter the region or climate.