SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. – The most innovative High Volume, Low Speed industrial ceiling fan...
Don Schumacher Racing
Don Schumacher racing challenged themselves to cut operating costs within their facility.
Eight MacroAir AVD550 fans were installed.
They were able to set the thermostat up to 8º higher in the summer months, resulting in energy savings! Additionally, they expect to see 30-40% savings on their heating bill.
Don Schumacher, owner of Don Schumacher Racing (DSR), attended the National Hot Rod Association Finals in Pomona, California in 2017. During an interview, Don discussed the benefits of having state-of-the-art MacroAir fans in his 150,000 sq. ft. race shop in Brownsburg, Indiana.
Fans play a key role in cooling and creating sustainability for the DSR facility during the summer months.
“The MacroAir fans were installed in my facility this summer. The fans move a tremendous amount of air and make it more comfortable for all of the employees. We have actually been able to increase our thermostat by 8 degrees during the summer because of the amount of air it moves.” -Don Schumacher, owner of DSR
DSR has created a sustainable environment and increased employee comfort. Additionally, they have a viable heating option for the winter through MacroAir’s reverse function. Running the fans in reverse brings the warm air from the ceiling down and evenly distributes it throughout the room.
“I am confident – by it moving that warm air down – it will make the employees more comfortable. We should also be able to save 30 – 40% on our heating bill.” -Don Schumacher, Owner DSR
Check out the full video interview above to see how MacroAir fans are the best air movement option for race shops across America!
From the grassroots racer’s detached garage to the huge facility of 16-time NHRA champion, Don Schumacher Racing, MacroAir fans will save you money and keep you cool.
Now, that's winning!